above photo: QE2 is near the Opera House in the upper of the photo. QM2 is at the lower. 昨天和小新去了Mrs. Macquarie's Chair其实就是City啦,在Opera House东边,去欣赏两艘海上巨轮的历史性会面!不过遗憾的是我们到的比较晚,没有看到两艘船在一起的盛况,我们看到已经是分别泊在了不同的港口.QE2在Circular Quay而EM2因为太大了就泊在了Mrs. Macquarie's Chair那边的Woolloomooloo Port. 确实是豪华游轮,好大呀,小游艇在周围,好象大象旁边的猫咪,呵呵.什么时候我也能坐着这个豪华游轮周游世界呢?老公!快努力呀! Queen Mary 2 "QM2" is the first liner to be built since QE2 35 years earlier. QM2 entered service in January 2004 and is the largest, longest, widest, tallest and most expensive passenger ship in history. THE spectacular party Sydney put on for the historic reunion of Queen Mary 2 and Queen Elizabeth 2 last night would have left visitors thinking New Year's Eve was being celebrated several weeks late. hh 说的已经够详细了,关于两艘大船我就不多说了。 我还是说说,鬼佬这群人吧。估计,刚来澳洲的人都会有一个相同的感觉,那就是,这里真是一个“文明”社会呀:人们彬彬有礼,大街上陌生人也会相视一笑;服饰时髦,鲜亮;井然有序,大街上几乎见不到警察叔叔维护秩序,更不要说什么交通协管员,带红箍的了。 在这边呆得时间久了,也会发现一些有趣的事情。 就拿这回我和hh去city看大船来说吧。在 city rail 就感觉到不一般的气氛。我们应该在Circular Quay ...
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