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因为贷款利率上涨及整体经济不景气,这一年来悉尼房价一直在下降.最近政府出台了鼓励政策,首次置业给予双倍补贴,也就是AUD14,000,正好爸妈也在,听了公园老太太们的骟忽,也问我们房子的事,于是我们便动了买房的念头.定价在30万到40万之间. 来澳后一直住在Inner West,但这边房价还是太贵了,而且房子也都比较老,没有合适的.于是我们又去Hurstville看了两次,房子都是老房子,房间也不大,还30多万,大家都觉得房子不好价又高,很是失望. 妈妈在公园认识的朋友在Parramatta买到了房子,说起那边也不错,所以我们又把目标转到了Parramatta.只在这里看了一次房子,我们就决定买现在这个Apartment了.原因很简单,房子还不错,另外我们折腾不起了,带着欢欢赶场似的看房子太累了. 2室1卫2车库,总面积134m2,其中2个车库占了32m2,室内+阳台有102m2,所以还是比较宽敞的.来Inspection的好几家,似乎大家都觉得不错,因为主人显然做了充分准备,没有家具,重新刷过,所以显得大且干净.卧室也是在我们看过的这个价位里比较大的.离商场车站10分钟路程.但有一个问题,就是朝向是厅向南卧室向西,可以说是最不好的朝向了.但我们Inspection那天还有点阴天,可是房间一点不暗,还很亮堂,关键是阳台落地门,和旁边的落地窗帮了大忙,而且从阳台看出去,对面都是小house连2,3层的unit都没有,远处蓝天白云一览无余,所以虽然朝向不好,可是一点都不觉得有影响!所以我们商量了一下,当时就回去找中介签约付订金了.这是11月1日. 然后就是走贷款手续了,因为以前在Westpac做过贷款信用评估,所以很顺利.本来想11日settle,12日搬家,但没想到对方手续没有办齐,只得又等了一周.不过正好,因为12日那天下雨,呵呵.最终我们于12月19日Settle,20日搬家! 搬家前去Bunnings拿了些纸箱,这个很是有用啊!!!因为每人每次只让拿两个纸箱(不知什么时候定的规矩,上次就是随便拿的),所以去了好几次拿来了十几个大纸箱.有爸妈帮忙收拾快了很多,而且我们不搬家具所以省了好多事.家具是买二手的,不过是买了一套,所以看起来还满像样儿了. 搬家请的搬家公司,历时4个半小时.而后小欣又帮夏丹把她的东西从她家搬到我家(因为我们把房子转租给夏丹了),我们再搬到新...


Beijing 2008 Olympic game---- Torch


What amazing wonder for technology

Message This is a 5 Meg Hard Disk in 1956. In September 1956 IBM launched the 305 RAMAC, the first computer with a hard disk drive (HDD).   The HDD weighed over a ton and stored 5MB of data.       This is my 8Gb Micro SD card. It is about 1600 times more capacity than the First  One.


女儿于6月12日出生,从此人生又上了一个台阶,为人父母了~~~~~~ 生了孩子才体会到做父母的艰辛,这才刚开始,以后不知还要有多少操心的呢。


他们说我是“事妈”。 因为我现在指挥我妈,让她熟悉家里的东西,摆放位置,做菜做饭的东西都放哪,怎么清理等等。举例来说:因为家里是地毯,所以尽可能在门口换鞋,换了鞋之后最好不要再进屋走来走去;茶几上的零食不要弄的满地都是,因为掉在地毯上不容易清理还可能招蟑螂;洗完碗要擦干水池台面,因为台面不太平,有个角会积水。。。。可能是有些挑剔吧,总嫌不干净。因为习惯了一种生活方式,现在别人来做跟自己做的不一样,我又忍不住一定要指出来,所以用我妈的话说“我现在就是一个小事妈”,张欣对些表示双手双脚赞成。 再说我爸,大烟鬼一个,而且还有糖尿病。所以整天念叨让他少抽烟要抽去外面抽;少食多餐,少吃淀粉类食物,多运动。。。抽烟去外面是不可能的了,享受着呢,怎么肯去外面?!少食多餐和饭后溜弯倒是做的还不错,这几天在我的坚持和陪同下,倒是饭后都出去散步了。不过,我爸说再管他就要“离家出去”!呵呵。 有时真不想管,可是看到不顺眼的就想说,忍不住,也许是“怀孕焦虑证”?那也不管了,非常时期,让他们都得顺着我!哼哼!事妈就事妈!


5月24日父母到悉尼,一早去机场接机,结果他们还挺早,没耽误什么时间就出来了,我们在一个出口等了会,然后又去另一个出口,估计就是这样错过了,他们走到大门外头去了,所以没看见。不过,还挺聪明,找了个中国人给我拨了个电话。让他们多等了不到1个小时吧。:-p 然后就很顺利了。开车回家。因为我妈说一晚上没睡,所以到家后就让他们睡了会儿。 中午张欣做的炸酱面,就当接行面了。然后下午开车出去在我们住的区Ashfield的主要街道上转了转。看了看这边的超市,还有中国杂货超市(很多),买了些菜什么的。晚上带他们去附近的饭馆吃的饭,家常菜。 周日25日,正赶上这边city市里有一个小意大利节,其实很小,也就两三条很短的街道,卖一些意大利的食品什么。但一般一年就一次,正好赶上,为什么不去?所以我们中午就出发了(就是奔着吃的去的。。。)。到了市里,沿着公园走过去,在公园里照了几张照片。在小意大利节上看到不少好吃的,看着新鲜的就买来尝尝。其实这些东西平时去餐馆也吃得到,但平时也不会想去吃,而且进了餐馆也不知哪个好吃,不知点什么,凑这个热闹,每个小吃都尝点,也算过过瘾了。之后张欣不顾我们孕妇老弱病带领我们走到了悉尼歌剧院,也照了几张像。从上午11点半出来,走到下午5点多。。。。(当然中途有坐着歇会儿)大家都累了。。。。然后回到我们住的区找了个饭馆吃饭,回家睡觉。。。。 从26日开始的这一周,就是我带领父母熟悉我们居住环境的一周啦。小欣去上班了,所以我们也去不了远地(我也不想开车),正好让他们了解一下周围环境,等我生小孩不方便出来的时候,他们也可以出来买菜溜弯。我妈是看什么都觉得挺新鲜,而且思想转变也比较快,不会什么都乘汇率,我爸还是有点想不开,什么都觉得贵,呵呵,需要时间呀。不过,问题是,我妈光顾着看了,道路怎么走,根本没记住,天天走的路,到了周五让她带路还犯迷糊呢。有一天午饭后,我和爸去溜弯,我妈说自己去商场看看,结果我们溜了一圈回来,发现我妈好象才出门的样子,结果是已经围着这个block转了一圈了,找不到路了,幸亏还记得家门口有个电话亭,没走得太远,不然丢了就麻烦了。:-p 不过,这边一片都是unit,确实都挺相似的,还真是容易走丢。 周四29日,我去RPA进行例行检查,我妈陪我一起去的。等了约2个小时,挺无聊的。检查很快也没什么问题。 周六31日,跟在悉尼的亲戚联系了一下。是我爸爸...

look out of window from office

<<CC000025.jpg>> Next building like a box of stage, ppl perform and I watch.

Hh's new Digital Camera: IXUS 75

<<02022008.jpg>> It costs us 305 bucks from MSY

My favourite park in North Sydney

<<04032008.jpg>> I d like to walk around at that park. One footy field and one exercise court in the park

Palm beach, rock fishing point

My poor laptop, dead while running

<<06012008(005).jpg>> <<06012008.jpg>> <<06012008(001).jpg>> <<06012008(002).jpg>> <<06012008(003).jpg>>

moving to Ashfield

<<06042008.jpg>> Th <<06042008(001).jpg>> e first two box of items, I moved to new flat.

14 May 2008, it is pretty fog in Sydney


cute icon!




西方人永不明白,中国军队怎么不携带武器就进入灾区 如果还有人怀疑中国政府和解放军的能力,那么就用数据说话吧!      2008年05月12日[ 转自铁血社区 ]      14:28:地震发生      14:46:国家网站--新华网发布消息      15:50:总参谋部应急预案启动      16:00:因通讯中断,两架直升飞机派往灾区了解受灾情况      17:00:国家总理温家宝紧急赶赴灾区      18:28:派出武警四川总队和驻川武警某师的2900名官兵 18:44:成都军区、武警四川总队和驻川某师5000余官兵紧急赶赴汶川地震灾区参加救灾     19:20:军区先遣指挥组已经进驻灾区      地方政府没有动用军队的权利,必须上报中央,地震发生后,从分析收集受灾情况到上报中央并启动应急预案,我们看到只用了短短的一个多小时 ,而从下达命令部署到部队出动,仅仅2小时多! 这几乎已经达到了启动国家应急预案和部队快速部署的极限!在世界上也是绝无仅有的!      而一天之内调集2万部队,中国政府所组织的救援行动是超常规模的,这不仅是人类历史上最大规模和最为迅速的救援行动。山地空降,单日空运万人入川,全实况的新闻输送,通讯恢复的速度与能力,医疗措施的跟进,甚至不惜动用十五军精锐,从美国的标准看,这是核子战规模的国家级救援! 再看看2005年美国新奥尔良市的那场飓风吧      2005年8月29日     清晨6点10分袭击了新奥尔良。在48小时前,国家飓风中心就已经提前预警,布什警告说飓风可能摧毁新奥尔良的大堤(新奥尔良的很多地方在海平面以下或是平行)。        5小时后,联邦紧急救援局局长迈克尔-布朗才要求派遣1000名救援人员"在两天内"赶赴灾区。       当时美国总统布什正在得克萨斯州的农场度假。接到飓风袭击的消息后,他继续度假到星期三,然后决定中止度假。在从得克萨斯飞回华盛顿的路上,空军一号在新奥尔良上空盘旋"视察"了灾区。        30号和31号,他两次打电话给南方松树电网公司(Southern PinesElectric Power Association ),要求他们转为抢修密西西比州科林斯附近的电站。为什么呢?因为这个电站是为 Col...

I made two flyscreens by myself!

I made two flyscreens by myself!   really easy job and lots fun.   but it still takes me three hours to accomplish the whole jobs. Just like saying in the manual, the most important thing is measure two and cut one!   1.measure the size of frame firstly.   measure the size of window frame from top side to bottom side, at the edge or channel where you are going to mount the flyscreen to. for instance, I would like to mount the flyscreen to the existed window 's channel. So I need to measure what size of the channel, such as 60*48cm for the size of channel. but what I suggest is reduce the each size to 5mm for the flyscreen easily fitted in the window's channel. To draw the line for each section of framing and 45 degree angle   2.Cut the flyscreen frame                      you really need to buy a good hand saw to cut the 45 angle for the each...

How to make flyscreens --- instruction

Gold saying: Double measure, once cut! make sure your measurement is exactly accuracy, tolerence is not more than 3mm

What a busy weekend!

Last weekend, flow account: On Saturday, 9:00 went to Bunnings Warehouse for the material of flyscreen and chairs 11:00 at Ashfield shopping for next week food 14:00 at IKEA for the IVAR storage combine 18:00 friends dropped in my house 19:00 have dinner with friends in Ashfield 22:30 assembled the IVA storage combine lasting 1 and a half hours On Sunday, 8:30 started to make the flyscreen and chairs base board lasting 12:30 Made two flyscreens and fixed one chair. Visited my friend then had haircut Played soccer at Pratten park, then dropped in a friend house nearby the park. Make dinner with Hh. Steamed fresh fish, very huge oysters and some vegs. Kind regards, Alex Zhang. itaba3 "Intelligent Technology & Business Advisory" phone: 1300 36 708 email: web: Email disclaimer:

test for email post


Painting the walls

the painting workers come home directly without any arrangements. At 7:30 in the morning, they start to work and finish at around 10:30. The worker ask us to keep all the windows open, make more fresh air in. after we go home from office, still get some strong smell in kitch and bathroom.

Moving to Ashfield

on 6 Apr 2008 I ve waited for friend truck from 2pm to 6.30 pm. At last, we have carried items two times, caus the small truck can't load so many items! We had dinner at 8:30 next day, set up electricity, gas set up phoneline and broad band ask agent to fix the blocked bathtube done on Wednesday assemble the double bed in the seondary bedroom and arrange the furnitures at Thursday night.

4 years wedding anniversary

Circular Quay, the one of most beautiful site in Sydney. That 's my favourite place to visite. WaterFront Bar, we celebrate the anniversary at there

learn Delegate function in C#

1 advantages for delegate function 1.1 decouple the caller class and callee class.They don't need know any internal detail about each other. 1.2 pass some values and handle from caller to callee. Not for from callee to caller!!! 2 sample code class Callee { private Fucntion Dosomething() { this.NotifyDelegate(); } public delegate void Notify(); //declare a delegate function event instance public event Notify NotifyDelegate; } class Caller { Callee instanceCallee = new Callee(); Callee.NotifyDelegate + = new Notify(NotifyFromCallee) private void Function() { instanceCallee.Dosomething(); } private void NotifyFromCallee() { //blah, blah, blah } }

My current working place

My desk top North Sydney court North point looking out of the window from my office happy Chinese rat year!

Valentine's Day in Sydney

Today is Valentine's day! the First Valentine's day I spent in Sydney. This morning, I got off the train, passed through the underground shopping mall-- greenwood shopping mall. the Floria store surrounded by a group of pupils or hight school students. Just like in china, kids always feel the most fashion festival! Guess what? one piece of rose costs 30 Au$!!!!

Friday drink

In most of local companies, Friday afternoon is the drinking time! colleagues sit together, drinking beer or red wine, talk about some funny things. that's the one of assie company culture so far, I seldem understand what others colleagus talking about jokings.

New Laptop

new comer from office works Acer Duo 2 core 5600 1.83G Hz Memory 1GB Harddrive 120G Vidoe Card nvidia geforce go 7300 128M dedicated video memory 15 wide LCD DVD +- Burner It costs me 800 bucks! really good deal