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just terminated lease contract in cecil Ashfield

Unit 16 auction price is 372500 on 10 DEC 2010

just upstairs


欢宝今天睡了三个小时,把幼儿园缺的觉都补回来了!!!!!中午吃的肉汤拌饭,还有肉,她说真香呀,问是什么肉?姥姥说是猪蹄肉,她说以后中午吃猪蹄,晚上吃鸡爪子!!!馋丫头呀. sign

The Gross feed-in meter installed on 07 Dec 2010

The day we can connect to grid to generate Green solar power. To check out how many power the solar panel generated, pls go to website: 太阳能的逆变器

wind festival in Bondi beach

all kind of kites floating in the sky.

christmas tree near my office




Fleminton market--cherry season


Friday afternoon, a few ppl on the street, rest of just heading to pub for drinks.

new 1.5KW solar power system installation on 25 Oct 2010


8月13日到9月9日带着欢欢回北京探亲。欢欢是个很听话的孩子,也没怎么让抱,表现还是很不错的。到北京是晚上11点,我拿了行李后让欢欢坐在箱子上面,我推着行李车出来。没想到大家都来了!爸妈,小姨宋叔叔宋阳,二姨和冯叔叔也来了。大家都想我们了,呵呵。宋阳真是大姑娘了,比我都高了,有一点健康的婴儿肥,还是很不错的。 大家都很好,只有我关键时该掉链子了。流产了。本来没想到会怀孕,因为搬家什么的都挺忙挺累。但这种事就是说不好呀,一次不小心都不行。再之后买回国的礼品,坐飞机,到家还要爬楼,可能都有关系,所以到家第二天就开始出血,以后就越来越多了。去了宣武医院,但人家也不提倡保胎了,顺其自然,优胜劣汰。很遗憾,8月18日流产了。大概8周。妈说这个孩子跟咱家没缘,可能吧。。。。 因为我需要休息,只能把欢欢强送到她爷爷奶奶那里,毕竟跟他们一年了比较熟悉。可怜的欢欢,头一次离开妈妈,受了刺激,更粘我了。 除了这个问题,其他都很好。还跟丹丹,陈薇,刘颖一起照了艺术照。也其他朋友吃了饭。大家都挺好的。 因为休息了快2周,所以时间变得很紧张,都没时间逛街了。只跟刘颖逛了一天的百荣,大型批发市场,收获很多,因为是夏末东西都在便宜,但对我来说正好,我正要过夏天呢! 大家送给欢欢很多衣服,她夏天的衣服可是足够多了! 北京消费和吃都非常好。但还是有些想家,毕竟这里的房子又大又宽敞,住着也舒服。呵呵。

Big Red Carpet Coming

Clean the garden on Sunday

in the new house, we have a pretty beautiful camellia on the front yard. I think some branches extended from the leaves. but last week, HH told me those are not camellia's branches, they the evil arms from another plants beside camellia. We decided to cut the devil arms off to rescue our beautiful camellia--- scissors action the first sun light shining on my back yard, I get up and prepare the scissors action for the devil arms. I have ladder for the right up devil arms, garden scissors and saw! The action takes us about 1 hour. we eliminated two main stems and a lot of branch devil arms.


move p2c

I get used to move house everywhere--from bj to syd, from a2p, from p2c. a piece of cake! La Ma just squeeze herself into the passenger seat because she has to hug a hot water bottle in arm and a bag of items in front of seat.

Renovation for new home

1. timber floor for three bedrooms 2. new colour bond fence around 14m in length 3. brand new main toilet     3.1 tile for floor and walls     3.2 new paint for ceiling     3.3 repair bath heater on the ceiling     3.4 new bath tub and new location     3.5 new shower screen     3.6 new taps     3.7 new lights beside the mirror 4. replace the tile inside the shower screen in the en suite 5. replace the broken window on the main door 6. uninstall the broken air conditioner and install a glass in Huanhuan's bedroom.

The Skyrail and Rainforest experience

The Rainforest is the place you must to visit in Cairns although it looks no much difference from blue mountain from the view of a person like me.... But I do like the small villiage Kuranda, it locates at the end of the Skyrail cableway, of course a tourism town. But the artifical work are really nice, so as the price... Huanhuan happily fed kangroo with grass but bite by a parrot lightly.... The butterflies are so beautiful and they just flying around you. We had lunch at Kuranda villiage, very delicious pizza, we waite it for 30 minutes but it is worth the time, really good! other tables ordered the same after notcing our pizza. :-)

The Great Barrier Reef

We booked Quicksilver cruises to experience the Great Barrier Reef on the second day we are in Cairns. It took us 1.5 hours on shuttle bus to the port Douglas and a further 1.5 hours on Quicksilver cruise to the on the sea deck. Frankly speaking, it is not a pleasant jurney before we arrived the deck, Lucy, Alex and granny vomit heavely and there is nothing could help them. :-( As this might be the only chance for grandparents to experience the outer sea and great barrier reef in their lives, we decide to do as much as we can. So we three, grandpa, Alex and me go for scuba-diving and grandma go to Ocean walk. It is a totally different feeling when scuba-diving in the sea, the creaturs around you are so wonderful and mysterious, the coach taught us to feel some sea anemone etc. I hope I could have 8 eyes and 8 hands to look and touch..... time always pass quickly, only 30 minutes under the sea is quite not enough.... Grandma also enjoyed herself in Ocean walk activity, the professio...

Head off to Cairns on Friday morning(07 May 2010)

I thought it took us at most 40 mins to airport, but I was wrong, the slow traffic causes more than 20 mins delay to get to the airport long term car park(In rush, I forgot to check the car then left the windows opened for next four days). then the shuttle bus takes us to domestic airport terminal in 15 mins. When we queued for the check in luggage drop off, one guy asked me if I was on the flight to Cairns then ask me to check in as express counter because we already missed final boarding notice. What a tightly time to manage us to board the flight. I guessed we are the final people to board on the flight. We just sit down and adjusted the breath, the airplane taking off, in minutes. The land below our feet, we crossing the rivers and fields head to Cairns at 8:30 am.


家里热水器漏水了。上次厕所漏时就发现热水器也可能有问题了,但后来不漏了,就没再去管。这次发现又漏了,老公决定自己动手换个新的。 热水器本身500多元,80L的,如果请plumber来装又得500元,所以小新决定自己动手! 想着挺容易,但没想到也用了两天的功夫。原理很简单,就连接三个管子,但问题就出在连接上了。原来旧的铜管不易弯曲,无法对上新的热水器。没有工具弯铜管,只能又去找替代品。我们去了Bunnings,看到有软管,咨询了一下工作人员,说是没有问题,完全可以替代老式铜管。这样我们才安心的买了合适尺寸的回来安上。 因为来来回回配零件,总共去了4次Bunnings。耗时两天。节省500元。哈哈。


又买了房子了,一层的house, full brick,在Easter时签的合同,但settle要12周,得6月底了。而且有些地方要整理,估计入住得7月中了。 老房子了,但全砖的,应该还可以。在Carlingford,缺点是挨着火车线,优点是离着好的小学不远,有商场超市,价钱也能承受。先住几年再说吧。 妈来了要郁闷了,大Westfield缩水成Shopping Mall了,规模跟Ashfield差不多吧。

Fwd: 2010年元旦我们去植物园的照片